Medicinus – Cours de Médecine en ligne

Bacterial skin infections

Infections cutanées bactériennes
(Last Updated On: )

I- Introduction:

– Treatment of entrance doors (intertrigo to dermatophytes in erysipelas..);

– Detection and decontamination of deposits in the event of boils.

II- Skin Infection Control Mechanisms:




Integrity of the corneal layer Renewal of the corneal layer




Skin acidity

Lipid inhibitor (free fatty acids, sphingolipids) Antibiotic peptides secreted by keratinocytes




Humoral Immunity Cellular Immunity


Competition between microorganisms


Substances secreted by microorganisms:

Bacteriolytic enzymes

Surface lipid lipolysis in free fatty acids – Antibiotic, antifungal and bacteriocin

"Occupation" of the land


III- Factors that promote skin infection:

Promiscuity and poor hygiene


Skin alteration

Local Corticotherapy

Congenital or acquired immune deficits

Unbalanced diabetes

General Corticotherapy


IV- Impetigo:

A- Etiology:

B- Diagnosis:

This is the characteristic form of the newborn, especially staphylococcal.

It is a digging form of impetigo usually located in the lower limbs.

This is the appearance on a dermatosis (the most svt pruriginous) of pustules or melicer crusts.

C- Positive diagnosis:

It's clinical.

D- Evolution:

E- Treatment:

– Antiseptics (chlorhexidine);

– Topical antibiotics (fusidic acid…).

– School eviction for a few days;

– Treatment of siblings;

V- Boil:

A- Etiology:

B- Diagnosis:

– The beginning is a simple folliculitis, then

– Quickly appears

– Within a few days, the bulge is removed from a depressed scar.

– Seat: stt back, shoulders, thighs or buttocks (role of friction).

– Irritation or manipulation of the boil at the outbreak of infection.

It is an agglomerate of boils, producing a hyperalgic inflammatory closet dotted with pustules. Its elective seat is the neck or upper back.

It is the repetition of episodes of boils, with passage to chronicity over periods of several months.

It should have a contributing factor and a staphylococcal (s) outbreak sought:

– Narinaire

– Retroatrial,

– Interfessier,

– Scars of old boils.

C- Positive diagnosis:

D- Differential diagnosis:

Papulo-pustules centered by a hair (taking the name sycosis for the damage to the beard).

It is most often a golden staph infection, but other organisms may be involved (particularly yeasts).

Inflammatory, recurrent and debilitating skin follicular disease that usually appears after puberty with painful and inflammatory lesions deep in the body areas carrying apocrine glands , most often the axillary, inguinal and anogenital regions.

Confusion is common, although acne is distinguished from boils by its lesionic polymorphism (comedons, cysts, papulo-pustules).

E- Evolution:

The most common complication is the transition to chronicity (or chronic furonculosis). Sepsis and other visceral golden staph complications remain very rare.

Malignant staphylococcia of the face with cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis is exceptional. It is feared in the presence of a manipulated centrofacial boil becoming hyperalgic with a marked infectious syndrome and an important centro-facial edema.

F- Treatment:

– 1st flare-up without signs of gravity, simple treatment:


Don't manipulate the lesions,

Local antiseptic.

– Centrofacial injury, extension of lesion and/or onset of fever inAntibitherapy

(oral penicillin M, pristinamycin, fusidic acid).

– Strict hygiene;

– Per bone antibiotic therapy;

– Prolonged local treatment of lodges with antiseptics or antibiotics; – The collection and treatment of lodgings for the whole family.

VI- Erysipelas:

A- Definition:

Most svt-streptococal acute dermo-hypodermitis A

B- Epidemiology:

Location to the leg in more than 80% of cases

Frequent and the first dgc to evoke in front of a large red leg acute and febrile

Average age of onset around 60 years.

C- Factors favouring:

CVI and/or lymphatic.


Intertrigo inter-toe front door, leg ulcer

Generals (obesity).

D- Clinic:

Usual picture of "big febrile acute red leg" unilateral



Circumscribed, A peripheral bulge is rarely observed

Painful to palpation.

superficial bubble peelings or purpura,

E- A front door:

Clinically detectable in 2/3 of cases.

Minimal: inter-toe intertrigo, puncture, traumatic erosion

Obvious (leg ulcer).

F- No further examination is required.

Hyperleucocytosis at PNN is common

Biological inflammatory syndrome is important (CRP often – 100 mg/L).

Hemocultures are of low profitability;

G- Evolution:

Favorable in 8 to 10 days on antibiotic treatment.

Apyrexia in 48 to 72 hours;

Local signs in one week.

H- Less typical tables:

1- Atypical Erysipele:

The clinical traits of the inflammatory skin closet

Regression with anti-treptococcal antibiotic therapy.

2- Erysipele in diabetics:

– Skin inflammation appears deeper,

– Placard less well limited,

– Moderate pain,

– Fever sometimes absent.

3- Dermo-infectious hypodermites of immunosuppressed:

Clinical presentation is often misleading (few inflammatory signs) to underestimate the severity and in particular the possibility of deep necrosis.

4- Other acute bacterial dermo-hypodermitis:

I- Treatment:

– Processing a front door

– Support for favourable factors

VII- Dermo-hypodermitis necrotizing:

"necrotizing fasciitis," gas gangrene, necrotizing dermo-hypodermitis,

– Fever – 39oC or hypothermia

– AEG / collapsus

– dr – or hypoesthesia

– Diffuse induration

– Cyanosis / necrosis

– A crackle

Professor AS. CHEHAD

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